
Why are we part of the PHOENIX Initiative?

Industries such as chemical, steel or cement are the backbone of the German economy. Whilst industry is a major producer of carbon emissions, it is also in need of carbon as a resource. CO2 valorisation offers a sustainable and reliable path to utilise CO2 as an alternative carbon raw material by interlinking previously unrelated industries and value chains. Though this can be achieved to a certain extend on national level, the full potential of these promising new technologies can only be reached by working together across Europe. Public-private partnership and interaction with all relevant stakeholders will be the key to success.

What do we do in CO2 valorisation?

The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) funds activities in CO2 valorisation since 2010.

CO2 valorisation plays an important role for the establishment of a carbon circular economy and supports the energy transition by providing sustainable energy carriers. Furthermore, CO2 valorisation technologies contribute to mitigate GHG emissions and climate change. At BMBF, CO2 valorisation bridges the research areas of raw materials, energy, bio-economy and climate protection and is therefore a cross-cutting activity of great importance.

CO2 valorisation is therefore part of several important strategies, including the climate protection programme 2030 and the German Resource Efficiency Programme (ProgRess II).

R&D projects are funded in various initiatives, the most current one being "CO2 as a sustainable source of carbon - Pathways to industrial application (CO2-WIN)"

Further information can be found under:

Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Dr. Vera Grimm
+49 228 99 57 3480